My response was brutal and simple: Whatever the powerful talk about doing to the Threat Group du Jour, they will eventually do to women of their own group.
I may be a man online and in my head, but when people look at me, all they see is a middle-aged woman.
I am not a humanitarian. I'm a psychopath. I don't really care about other people, although I can do a charming imitation of it. I work for civil rights because Anything They Do to One Group, They Will Do To Me.
This is the foundation of getting people involved. Making them realize their own rights, and not just Those People's rights, are at stake.
Laws to ban Muslims? How soon before they start banning pagans and Buddhists and even Jews? Any law against a minority religion--and there are lawmakers in our House of Representatives and Senate who believe it should be an explicitly Christian Nation--will come back around and bite me in the pagan butt.
I'd like to present as some great crusader, a liberal paragon. I'm not and if I can be honest anywhere, it's here. I use minorities (racial, religious, etc) as canaries in the Civil Rights Coal Mine. What happens to them will eventually happen to me.
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