Thursday, June 8, 2017

30 Days of Pride, Day 8

Day 8 - What do you think the closet or being closeted means to you?

The closet...

I still mostly live there. i have the husband, the kids, the house in the 'burbs, the SUV. I'm nearly 50 and changing all that would be...uncomfortable. I love my husband and want to keep him.

For me, the closet was about hiding. It was hiding the truth from myself, from my family, from God.
If I buried my desire for girls, my desire to be a guy, deeply enough with enough locks on the box, it would be forgotten and I could live a "normal" life.

That sort of thing doesn't work forever. I'm out online and in my local community. I'm making the transition to becoming Nick, online at first because there is still crone work for Angelia to do.

The closet is safety. It is security and acceptance. It's also a prison.


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