Spent the weekend recovering from an allergic asthma attack. And I decided, starting today, we're witching up May.
So, that's the Witchy blogging, and an activity.
From one of my Pinterest boards.
Day 1 Sit quietly (5-10 minutes) in nature and feel the sensations of your mind and body. Listen to the sounds of nature, the breeze on your skin, and the temperature of your surroundings. Smell the fragrances of the earth.
Day 2 Research the cycles of the moon and their significance to the craft.
Day 3 Read an article or book about Witchcraft written by an author or blogger with whom you are not familiar.
Day 4 Visit a metaphysical store.
Day 5 Read a mythical tale about a deity that interests you.
Day 6 Research a new form of divination that interests you.
Day 7 Find a plant/herb/spice that is associated with Witchcraft, and learn about its magickal properties and uses.
Day 8 Research a new form of magick that interests you (candle, garden, tea, knot/cord, blood, kitchen, spontaneous, tea magick, etc.).
Day 9 Learn about a Witchcraft tradition you do not currently follow. (Green, Kitchen, Druidic, Hereditary, Celtic, Eclectic, etc.)
Day 10 Create a magickal craft, (a wreath, an altar decoration, needlework, engraving, weaving, etc).
Day 11 Pick a crystal or stone and research its magickal uses.
Day 12 Choose one of your favorite herbs and learn about its magickal and medicinal properties.
Day 13 Take a cleansing magickal bath or shower.
Day 14 Research a type of magick that makes you uncomfortable.
Day 15 Research tradition or magickal path that makes you uncomfortable.
Day 16 Read a book on Witchcraft.
Day 17 Listen to music that makes you feel “witchy”.
Day 18 Research a female deity that interests you.
Day 19 Journal about your path and where you would like to take your practice.
Day 20 Research a male deity that interests you.
Day 21 Start a Book of Shadows (BOS) or Grimoire.
Day 22 Watch the sunrise or moon rise.
Day 23 Write about your journey. (What do you believe? What are your moral standings, etc.)
Day 24 Research the elements and their significance to the craft.
Day 25 Create an altar.
Day 26 Research Sabbats observed by most witches.
Day 27 Learn about the lore of an animal you feel drawn toward.
Day 28 Try writing a spell of your choice.
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