Tuesday, May 5, 2020

30 Days of Witchcraft: Witchy Role Model

I have been fortunate to have a number of magickal role models in my life.

The first pagan teacher I met was Kiwi Carlisle, then the president of The Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions. She was patient with me when I was young and dumb and hostile and ahs remained a solid friend for 30 years. Now, she is a wise crone and I strive to emulate her in many ways (excluding migraines and budgies)

Then came Tabitha in Little Rock. She opened my eyes to the fact I might call myself Christian but I was a witch. This was uncomfortable, as that was one of the parts I was desperately trying to banish. (and one of the biggest shards that I was forced to swallow in December. I have called myself a witch and cast, but never dedicated myself to it as I have now). Witch, like bisexual and trans and genius and all the other unacceptable bits had to be shoved away so I could force myself into the mold I thought would make me more acceptable to El. I was wrong in this. There was nothing I could do that would make me more acceptable.

When we became associated with Summerland Grove, I learned from everyone. But we all adored Mama Dragon. She was the leader and the author of the bylaws and everything. She always had a story and she always had time for a newbie or a child. She was the crone I aspire to become.

Aislynn Firehawk taught me to find the sacred fire in myself and that has served me well. I hope one day to learn from her in person again.

As I have made The Change, and wibble around in the mushy gender middle, I have begun talking and listening to the men of the church. Many are so young I have trouble taking them seriously, even when I know they are farther on the path than I am. But, I still listen and learn even if I have not chosen a particular mentor,

Today's magic working: Learn about Moon phases.

This month, day after tomorrow, is the full Scorpio moon, a perfect time for psychic powers, divination and advanced rituals. Also good for fertility.

New Moon: A time of beginnings. Manifest your desire and dream something into reality. Set goals, prepare altar.

Waxing crescent: go within and call in what you want to manifest before bringing it forth. Money and Career spells, moon water

First quarter: Go within and bring out. Also a time of attraction, drawing money or love or even lost items. Love spells, luck spells and healing

Waxing Gibbous: still constructive, great for the extra push to manifestation. Now is the time to start new routines, esp if you have trouble with them. Pause and observe.

Full moon: Address your major issues at this most powerful time. Focus spells and rituals on things of utmost importance. A good time for divination, psychic development and spirituality. Take chances, any spells.

Waning Gibbous: time for repelling, banishing and destroying the unwanted. Banishings & cleansings. Also good for introspection. Banishing spells, protection spells, cleansing and detoxing.

Last Quarter:  A transition period, use the energies to boost you over bumps. Rest and justice spells.

Waning crescent: Bigger banishings and dropping very large unwanted things. Look back and be grateful.

New Moon Abundance Check:
You can use a check from your checking account or create your own.
Your account numbers should be 000 for the Universe, 333 for the Ascended Masters, 444 for the powers and your birthday.
No date
Pay to the order of: Your full legal name
in the box "Paid in Full"
on the dollar amount line: Paid in full
sign the check The Law of Abundance.

Write this all with the full expectation of Abundance. Get in the habit of doing ti every new moon. The next one is May 23

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