Go to Paypal.com
Send the money to valarltd@yahoo.com
Go to Venmo, @NicholasRowanSp
Tell me what you want in the notes section.
Novels and collections, $2: https://nicksfreedisneytrip.blogspot.com/2021/10/book-title-back-list.html
Short stories 50cents or 3/$1: https://nicholasrowansp.blogspot.com/2021/10/book-sale.html
Gift cards, 10% off face value:
$10 Chipotle giftcard for $9
$5 gift card of your choice for $4.50
$5 Captain D giftcard for $4.50
$16 Red Robin gift card for $14.
$25 Disney gift card for 22.50
Event planning, variable, based on the event. Begins at $50
Dr Who scarf (w/shipping) 150
Bat Shawl (w/shipping) $100
Skull Shawl (w/shipping) $100
Baby Blankets (blanket yarn) $100
Peacock shawl (w/shipping) $75
Baby Blankets (basic acrylic) $50
Skull beaded snood $50
Beaded Snoods (pearls or other beads) $40
Homespun (by Lion Brand) scarf (w/shipping) $20
Tarot reading $20
Custom crochet hats (w/shipping) $15
Random Crochet hat (w/shipping) $10 (made from my stash)
custom masks (w/shipping) $10
Taking suggestions, and will have a reasonable price for them.