Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Suffrage growing in unpopularity with Republicans

 Activist Abby Johnson spoke at the RNC this week. She supports Head of Household voting. That means one household, one vote, the husband's.

I've been tracking anti-suffrage sentiment on the Right for a while.

In 2014, I posted a journal entry that linked to Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, David Barton and others saying women shouldn't vote.

This post in 2012 talks about fringe ideas becoming mainstream policy. That was the year the GOP came out anti-birth control. 

"Even Operation Rescue wasn't anti-birth control in the late 80s. Even they realized more BC meant fewer abortions.

Then came abstinence-only sex ed. And talk about the failures of birth control.

I sounded the alert that Roe was teetering and Griswold was in the crosshairs. Everyone said I was nuts, I was overdramatizing.

This year, ALL the major Republican candidates came out AGAINST BIRTH CONTROL!

Twenty years from lunatic fringe to mainstream political endorsement. Think about that.

And think too, there are lunatic fringe voices now calling for the disenfranchisement of women. They want to take my VOTE!

Twenty years from lunatic fringe to mainstream...."

Now, the keynote speaker is anti-suffrage.
It was only 8 years this time.

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